Saturday, 3 December 2011

The four infomus historical totalitarain leaders

The four infomus historical totalitarain leaders

Moummar Gaddafi Of Libya ruled for 42 years

I have considered him for this post because he an example of a dictator who ruled with an iron feast for forty two years. His forty one year leadership prior to the uprising made him the fourth longest serving non royal leader since 1900, as well as the longest serving Arab leader. He killed innocent lives his government conducted executions and mutilations of political opponents in public and he broadcasted recordings of the proceedings on public television. Dissent was illegal under Law seventy five of 1973, which limited freedom of expression, and opposition was met with violence.

Saddam Hussein ruled Iraq

I have considered Mr Hussien in this post because he is a example of an abusive leader who  held on to power since 1979-2003. Saddam was notable for terror against his own people, "murdered as many as a million of his people, many with poison gas. He tortured, maimed and imprisoned countless more. His unprovoked invasion of Iran is estimated to have left another million people dead.


Idi Amin
 Amin Idi , was the president of Uganda from 1971 to1979, also known as Idi Amin Dada. His brutality and disregard for the rule of law led to hundreds of thousands of deaths and plunged the country into chaos and poverty. Amin's rule has many lasting negative consequences for the future of Uganda. His abuse has led to low regard for human life and personal security, widespread corruption, and the disruption of economic production and distribution.

Hastings Kamuzu Banda
He was the Prime Minister of Malawi from 1963 to1966 then he became from 1966 to1994. He banned all opposition then declared himself President for life,and he also exiled and killed opposition leaders. He violently crushed any attempted rebellion.All adult citizens were required to be members of the the party. Party cards had to be carried at all times and presented at random police inspections.

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